Digital Art

All work is original with a combination of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

Portrait of Melo Dior

Vector style portrait of French Bulldog, Melo Dior, 2020.

2020, The Feels.

Feelings I’ve had in 2020 so far, plenty more that didn’t make the cut, but I’m sure you understand.


We all make faces and 2020 is just asking for a face to be added to it.

Anything for Salinas

A tribute to an icon, Selena Quintanilla portrait with quote from movie, “Selena”

New York Appreciation

An entry for @newyorknico’s t-shirt competition, an ode to New York City, the food, and the culture that I’ve grown to love over the years to show that we are still strong even during a pandemic.

NY Stay Strong

An photo taken at the Long Island City Piers with characters embodying New York City.

Experimentation with repeating patterns, 2019.